Photo credit: Asian Development Bank
Enviro Pro developed and applied environmental evaluation criteria for proposed irrigation schemes, prepared Initial Environmental Examination Reports according to Asian Development Bank's (ADB) environmental safeguard policies for sub-projects. This project also involved providing the framework process for environmental and spatial assessment along the west coast of Aceh Province. Finally, Enviro Pro also assisted with the GIS development for project's environmental screening database, showing environmentally sensitive areas.
Enviro Pro developed and applied environmental evaluation criteria for proposed irrigation schemes, prepared Initial Environmental Examination Reports according to Asian Development Bank's (ADB) environmental safeguard policies for sub-projects. This project also involved providing the framework process for environmental and spatial assessment along the west coast of Aceh Province. Finally, Enviro Pro also assisted with the GIS development for project's environmental screening database, showing environmentally sensitive areas.
Enviro Pro prepared an initial environmental examination (IEE) or environmental impact assessment (EIA) and a summary IEE or summary EIA for the whole project, in accordance with applicable national standards and in line with ADB requirements. Also, Enviro Pro synchronized environmental assessment requirements between GoI and ADB.
2007 - 2008 Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA) for Mangrove Boardwalk and Pedestrian Access improvements at Berlayer Creek, Singapore
The 5.61 ha Berlayer Creek is part of the Labrador Nature and Coastal Walk and currently contains one of two remaining mangroves in the south of mainland Singapore. The creek is also home to a diverse group of flora and fauna with mainly three types of habitats – mangroves, rocky shores and mudflats.
Enviro Pro was assigned by Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) to conduct a BIA for the development of a 960 m nature mangrove boardwalk at Berlayer Creek. This BIA helps to determine the optimal arrangement and design of the boardwalk such that the impact to the existing ecosystem is minimal. The advantages and disadvantages for all possible designs of the boardwalk was discussed in the BIA.
A number of mitigation measures were also suggested by Enviro Pro to ensure that species of flora and fauna of conservation concern can still be found at Berlayer Creek after the development of the nature mangrove boardwalk.
Key Study Methods
Biodiversity Assessment – Species of flora and fauna were identified by surveyors. Mangrove vegetation and avifauna surveys involved walks and boat surveys. Specific walks through the mangroves and inter-tidal flats were made during low tide to survey for mollusk and crustacean groups.