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2020 - Present Biodiversity Study for Proposed Development of a Catholic Hub at 49, Upper Thomson Road

Enviro Pro was awarded a project by Catholic Archdiocese Singapore to conduct an environmental impact assessment for the development of Catholic Hub at 49, Upper Thomson Road. The proposal aims to present an integrated community & institutional development of GPR 1.2, with the conservation of selected structures on site as recommended by URA. In compliance with the Master Plan, the Catholic Archdiocese intends to build integrated facilities to accommodate all the different organisations that come under the Catholic Archdiocese together with a Home for the Aged Clergy and Ancillary Commercial spaces.

Enviro Pro has successfully submitted Form A for the proposal and will be conducting a detailed biodiversity study.

Key Study Methods:

- Form A/ B Submission , environmental assessment consultation with key stakeholders.
- Environmental Impact Assessment:
- Fixed Position Camera Trapping –18 camera traps will be
installed for a period of 10 months. Camera traps
maintenance and data analysis are performed every two weeks.
- Active Transect Survey –6 taxa groups of fauna will be surveyed for a total of 115 transect survey days by 5 individual surveyors.
- Belt Transect Surveys –Flora will be surveyed using belt transects by an experienced plant surveyor.
- ABC Waters Design.
- Ecological Restoration Design

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