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2008 - Present Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project, Roads & Bridges, Package 36

Aceh and Nias, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Enviro Pro provided technical advice in infrastructure re-construction for this project. 


​Prepare an initial environmental examination (lEE) or environmental impact assessment (EIA) and a summary lEE / EIA for the whole Project, in accordance with applicable national standards, and in line with ADB requirements. Synchronize environmental assessment requirements between GoI and ADB.

Aceh Province 7
Aceh Province 6

Photo Credits:

Parsons Corporation

Arka Project

2006 - 2008 Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project, Spatial Planning and Environmental Management, Package 24

Aceh and Nias, North Sumatra, Indonesia

This project involved the planning of sustainable land use for sub-districts in Aceh and Nias, Indonesia.


Enviro Pro prepared strategic/subregional environmental assessment tools based on relevant environmental and zoning criteria for environmental sensitive areas, including existing water resources in and adjacent to tsunami affected districts in Aceh and Nias. Enviro Pro also conducted social and environmental screening, in accordance with applicable national standards, in line with ADB requirements.

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