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2014 Development of a Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Environment (KLH) feeding into BAPPENAS' RPJMN


The project provided inputs into the next strategic plan and re-organization of management systems. KLH had requested the consultant provide strategies, international benchmarking with four Asian countries (Japan, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand) on strategies for climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development. Enviro Pro also reviewed KLH’s instituitional arrangement to manage climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development. This feeds into the development of a logic model with objectively verifiable indicators (OVI) for the purpose of designing and assessing the new Renstra of KLH.
Enviro Pro also proposed improvements to KLH's instituitional structure to improve the implementation of climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development activities.
This is part of Component 1 of the DANIDA funded Environmental Support Programme ESP3, which aims at supporting the effective implementation of consolidated environmental management and climate change policies by combining support to three thematic areas, at both national and decentralized levels. One of the thematic areas is improved implementation of existing planning and management systems by environmental management institutions, aiming at a more efficient use of environmental funds. This planning support will be provided to Ministry of Environment (KLH), Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation. 

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