Photo credit: Asian Development Bank
Enviro Pro developed and applied environmental evaluation criteria for proposed irrigation schemes, prepared Initial Environmental Examination Reports according to Asian Development Bank's (ADB) environmental safeguard policies for sub-projects. This project also involved providing the framework process for environmental and spatial assessment along the west coast of Aceh Province. Finally, Enviro Pro also assisted with the GIS development for project's environmental screening database, showing environmentally sensitive areas.
Enviro Pro developed and applied environmental evaluation criteria for proposed irrigation schemes, prepared Initial Environmental Examination Reports according to Asian Development Bank's (ADB) environmental safeguard policies for sub-projects. This project also involved providing the framework process for environmental and spatial assessment along the west coast of Aceh Province. Finally, Enviro Pro also assisted with the GIS development for project's environmental screening database, showing environmentally sensitive areas.
Enviro Pro prepared an initial environmental examination (IEE) or environmental impact assessment (EIA) and a summary IEE or summary EIA for the whole project, in accordance with applicable national standards and in line with ADB requirements. Also, Enviro Pro synchronized environmental assessment requirements between GoI and ADB.
2003 Pollution Control Study for SingSpring Singapore
SingSpring is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hyflux Ltd specialising in water treatment. They are trying to develop a desalination plant to supply potable water to PUB. The proposed plant is to produce fresh water from seawater using the reverse osmosis process.
The scope of work for this study is to conduct a discharge dispersion study to predict the dispersion and mixing of a brine plume in the coastal waters around the area. The study was performed on a stipulated configuration of a submerged outfall and seawater intake and the corresponding flow rates, with a pre-determined land mass boundary specified by SingSpring.
The Pollution Control Study will specifically involve:
- Identifying sources of emission of air pollutants, discharge of trade effluent, generation of waste and emission of noise,
- Quantifying and evaluating the impacts of such pollutive emissions,
- Recommending the measures to be incorporated in the design and operation of the plant to reduce the pollutive emissions to acceptable levels that would not pose a nuisance or harm to the people and the environment, and
- Recommending a monitoring program to review the effectiveness of implemented mitigation measures on a regular basis.