Photo credit: Asian Development Bank
Enviro Pro developed and applied environmental evaluation criteria for proposed irrigation schemes, prepared Initial Environmental Examination Reports according to Asian Development Bank's (ADB) environmental safeguard policies for sub-projects. This project also involved providing the framework process for environmental and spatial assessment along the west coast of Aceh Province. Finally, Enviro Pro also assisted with the GIS development for project's environmental screening database, showing environmentally sensitive areas.
Enviro Pro developed and applied environmental evaluation criteria for proposed irrigation schemes, prepared Initial Environmental Examination Reports according to Asian Development Bank's (ADB) environmental safeguard policies for sub-projects. This project also involved providing the framework process for environmental and spatial assessment along the west coast of Aceh Province. Finally, Enviro Pro also assisted with the GIS development for project's environmental screening database, showing environmentally sensitive areas.
Enviro Pro prepared an initial environmental examination (IEE) or environmental impact assessment (EIA) and a summary IEE or summary EIA for the whole project, in accordance with applicable national standards and in line with ADB requirements. Also, Enviro Pro synchronized environmental assessment requirements between GoI and ADB.
2014 - Present Sustainable Drainage Design for Water Treatment Facilities
Teluk Bahang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Enviro Pro was appointed to provide consultancy services for the sustainable drainage concept design for Teluk Bahang - Lot 841 and 842. Some of the main design concepts include the re-naturalisation of the main drain by making full use of the existing drainage and 6 m wide drainage reserve (60 m x 9 m). The drainage reserve will be able to cleanse the main drain water and act as a velocity reducing feature to protect beach areas.
Bio-retention basins and swales were also proposed within the area for water conveyance and retention purposes. This will also create an aesthetical amenity for the residents as the swales and basins can be integrated with the landscape design along the North-Eastern boundary of the site.
Key design concepts:
Bio-retention swales and basins - Provide conveyance and retention function. They also provide vertical filtration system at low rate as water percolates down within its filter media. They are also suitable for intercepting and treating runoff.