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2014 - 2016 BIA for Proposed Windsor Green Nature Park

The National Parks Board (NParks) decided to implement development to Windsor Nature Park to help reduce the number of visitors to existing nature reserves and providing an interesting alternative venue for the public to enjoy nature-related activities. 

Due to the nature of construction, physical impacts on the environment and the biodiversity can be expected. An Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) was prepared by Singapore Environmental Consultancy and Solutions Pte Ltd (SECS) to identify the impacts by the construction.


Enviro Pro conducted a BIA which included a Physical Environment and Ecological Baseline Analysis for Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, Direct and Indirect Impact Analysis, Mitigation Measures and Environmental Monitoring Plans. 

Long Tailed Parakeet (5)
Common Flashwing
Clouded Monitor (2)
Blue Dasher (3)
Blue Rumped Parrot (2)
Common Parasol
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